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Why does Ukraine need its own satellite?

At the moment, Ukraine is relying on the goodwill of its allies and the purchase of satellite imagery from private companies. One election and the whole situation could become complicated and Ukraine could be without information that is crucial to its strategy and defence from one day to the next.

Won't the Dragon be useless in 2027??

We also wish Dragon had been flying for a long time, but 2027 is the earliest possible date when it is technically possible to have a satellite ready and the Ukrainian side is very interested in sending a satellite. There are only two options. Either in 2027 the Ukrainians will still be resisting the Russian occupation or Ukraine will be guarding the eastern border of NATO and Europe. Either way, Dragon will be needed like salt.Také bychom si přáli, aby Drak už dávno létal, ale 2027 je nejbližší možný termín, kdy je technicky možné mít satelit připravený a ukrajinská strana má o vyslání satelitu obrovský zájem. Jsou totiž jen dvě možnosti. Buď se v roce 2027 budou Ukrajinci stále bránit ruské okupaci nebo bude Ukrajina strážit východní hranici NATO a Evropy. V obou případech bude Drak potřeba jako sůl.

Why is the mission not funded by the state or private investors?

The Czech Republic is also involved in the development of the satellite. However, years of research and investment were needed even to begin the production of Dragon. That's why we will continue to seek some funding from larger donors and investors. The Dragon mission is not a commercial project, although, of course, the companies involved will learn a lot, but no one expects a return, especially not one that would be meaningful to investors.

Ultimately, though, we believe crowdfunding is a great way to allow everyone to be part of something amazing and great. One star in the sky will be yours too, and we think that's great.

What is the role of the Weapons to Ukraine initiative?

The Endowment Fund for Ukraine, which operates the initiative Weapons to Ukraine, is one of the most trustworthy Czech organisations focused on military aid to Ukraine. The Dragon is military hardware and raising funds for it on standard platforms is impossible. That's why we have teamed up and the technical and administrative parts of the campaign will be handled by people from the foundation.